My day started at 7:15 AM at the American Fork Hospital. I got to the hospital and my parents checked me in. As soon as I went back to the pre-op room my friend Kyle came to visit me. Kyle is my neighbor and was my anesthesiologist. I really like him and my parents were happy he could be there for my surgery.
My parents dressed me in this child hospital gown and I couldn't stop playing with the tag on my ankle as you can see from the picture below. Mommy was afraid I would cry all morning because I couldn't have anything to eat after 12:00 AM, but I did really well before my surgery and didn't even cry. They carried me off to the operating room at 8:15 AM and I was back in the room at 8:30. Dr. Heras said the surgery only takes 6 minutes.
After my surgery it was a different story. I cried the whole way home in the car. I cried when I burped. I cried when I'd try to stand up and then immediately fell down. I couldn't stop crying. By the end of the night I was doing better, but it was a long day. I had my moments of happiness today, but for the most part I wasn't myself. Hopefully these tubes help me so I don't have chronic ear infections.