- can stand up.
- love to play with my Laugh and Learn Kitchen.
- have eaten just about every kind of baby food from peas to mangos.
- explore food with my fingers.
- have my two bottom teeth.
- love to laugh.
- have started to resist diapering and will try to roll off the changing table to get away.
- can continuously repeat mama and dada. I've also said mom.
- have been caught standing in my crib and biting on the railing.
- wear size 4 diapers.
- have tried to crawl up the stairs. I made it up one step and then gave up. Mommy and daddy need to put up a gate soon.
- can walk with assistance.
- can hold onto a chair or piece of furniture and walk back and forth while holding on.
- still sleep in a HALO Sleepsack.