Monday, April 4, 2011

Letters from My Daycare #2

Mommy has been collecting the report cards from my daycare and here are some more letters the staff wrote to mommy and daddy.

March 14th, 2011-
Sophia is really getting around. She is thriving in spite of the congestion!

March 16th, 2011-
Sophia has been waving hi and bye!

March 17th, 2011-
Sophia got to play outside for a little bit. She would not touch the grass though. She would crawl to the edge of the blanket and just sit there, then crawl to the other side.

March 18th, 2011-
Happy 10 months to Sophia tomorrow! Sophia played outside in the sun today. She enjoyed the experience and getting some vitamin D.

March 22, 2011-
Sophia crawled over to the door when I was coming in and blocked it. Then she started doing pat a cake. It was really cute. She is also chewing on her bottle more than sucking on it.

March 23rd, 2011-
Sophia loves to have music playing and she will dance to it. It is so cute! Sophia is such a fun little girl!

March 30th, 2011-
Sophia played peek a boo/ hide and seek today. If we did not call out "where is Sophia" she would pop up and look at us and remind us to call out for her.

March 31st, 2011-
Today Sophia got to play outside. When it was time to come in she started crying.

April 4th, 2011-
Sophia was over by the window, listening to the kids outside playing and yelled Okay.